Dec 29, 2020
Check out our results from our second annual popularity poll. Big thank you to everyone who responded and helped spread the word, we got way more responses than last year! Let us know if there are any particular comparisons or results you'd like to hear more about.
Theme music by David Hall via SoundCloud
Dec 22, 2020
It's finally here! The gargantuan, star-studded, literally-marathon-length recap episode to the hot mess of a year that was 2020. With special guests: Sumo Kaboom, Mr JWags, USSF's Ed, Sumo Mainichi, Tachi-Ai's Andy, Jason Harris, and our field correspondent B! Stay tuned after the credits for our favorite...
Dec 21, 2020
Part 4 of our series on sumo fitness focuses on stretching out those hips.
Theme music by David Hall via SoundCloud
Dec 1, 2020
Ryan and Jake predict the banzuke for January. Will we have another basho with a screwy san-yaku?
Theme music by David Hall via SoundCloud
Nov 26, 2020
November's in the books, come get you some of that sweet, sweet recap content. Keep an eye out for our popularity poll and year-end review coming up.
Theme music by David Hall via SoundCloud